Forage machines


Silage Compaction Roller

An excellent solution for farms preserving feed in windrows and silos.

Its durable and compact structure ensures durability of use. The hydraulically controlled tire pile compactor ensures intensive, deep and even compaction of the green mass.

It guarantees proper deep compaction of the pressed material in the silo and pile.

It is possible to fill the shaft with water, which increases its pressing force. The use of a pressing roller has a positive effect on the quality of silage and also reduces the occurrence of losses.

150 KM

3–4,7 m

2020–3420 kg

Machine no. GWD01 (No shift)GWD02 (With shift)GWD03 (Without shifting with the pile compactor)GWD04 (With shifting with the pile compactor)
Width (m)3,03,03,03,0
Working width (m) 2,82,82,82,8
Working width with silage compacter (m) --4,34,3
Minimum tractor power (HP) 120120150150
Hitch category TUZ, cat. II, IIITUZ, cat. II, IIITUZ, cat. II, IIITUZ, cat. II, III
Shaft diameter (mm) 10001000 10001000
Number of cylinders (pcs.) -213
Number of required hydraulic connections pairs -112
Own weight (kg) 2000220024802680
Weight after filling (kg) 3100330035803780
Hydraulic side shift niedostępne greenstandard greenniedostępne greenstandard green
Pile compactorniedostępne greenniedostępne greenstandard greenstandard green
Side rollersopcja greenopcja greenopcja greenopcja green
Lighting opcja greenopcja greenopcja greenopcja green
Sprinkler systemszczególnie polecane greenszczególnie polecane greenszczególnie polecane greenszczególnie polecane green
Service package szczególnie polecane greenszczególnie polecane greenszczególnie polecane greenszczególnie polecane green



Select model:

155 EUR*
955 EUR*
235 EUR*

Your configuration

Silage Compaction Roller

Silage Compaction Roller

Model: GWD01 (Without shift)

Additional equipment:

    Net price: 5980 EUR

    * * net price